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Want to buy a new board or pair of shoes but are unsure whats hot and whats not? Mabee these reviews will be some help.
Reviews posted by me and me buds but if you want to review a board/shoes e-mail me @

tubes boards
The tubes boards are rely good if you have a 7.5 they flip nice and have a lot of pop but if you have a 7.75 there arn't as nice they dont flip as nice but have the same amount of pop.but they are cheep at €40.performance-7/10 value for money-10/10
Krux trucks

Krux are the nicest trucks i have had.They are rely smooth when grinding but the axels are known to slip.Price €72 performance-8/10 value for money-8/10

bones reds
reds are fast bearings but the caps dont last long but there still good if they do come off.They are smooth enough to ride aswell and are cheep for €24.performance-6/10value for money-6/10
spitfire wheels incinerator

spitfire wheels are rely smooth to ride but can get flatspots easily if you powerslide.price €60 performance-8/10 value for money-5/10

adio montoya v.3

Adio have some great shoes but this ins't one of them.It doesn't look the greatest and rip after 2-3 weeks skating but for the first week they are rely nice to skate.Price €99.performance-7/10 value for money-2/10